多年以前,第一次使用 Angular 建立專案的模板裡,component 資料夾裡面都會有一個 .spec
的檔案,這是第一次知道 "測試"是可以用程式碼寫的。
又在前輩分享下,認識 Jest
這套工具,了解到寫測試的 紅綠燈
之後很幸運歷經紮實的新人票訓練,接觸到團隊在使用的 Cucumber.js
和 Cypress
『 恩, 關鍵字,Jest
一套支援 BDD (Behaviour-Driven Development) 的工具。BDD
// 寫法 1
Feature: Addition
Scenario: Sum of two numbers
Given first number is 10 and second number is 20
When user executes sum function
Then the sum is 30
// 寫法 2
Feature: Addition
Scenario: Sum of two numbers
Given first number is 10
And second number is 20
When user executes sum function
Then the sum is 30
// 寫法 3
Feature: Addition
Scenario: Sum of two numbers
Given user wants to sum the following numbers:
| 10 |
| 20 |
When user executes sum function
Then the sum is 30
// 寫法 4
Feature: Addition
Scenario Outline: Sum of two numbers
Given first number is <firstNumber>
And second number is <secondNumber>
When user executes sum function
Then the sum is <result>
| firstNumber | secondNumber | result |
| 10 | 20 | 30 |
| 50 | 60 | 110 |
範例取自 Examples to show different ways of creating cucumber feature files
End to end
Cypress 能在 browser 執行以上的所有測試。
JavaScript 單元測試框架,Vitest 就是基於 Jest 所開發的測試框架
// sum.test.js
const sum = require('./sum');
test('adds 1 + 2 to equal 3', () => {
expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);
實作 TDD 的一個開發循環:紅燈 (失敗) -> 綠燈 (成功) -> 重構
圖取自 TDD is not about testing but the design
『 關鍵字從 Jest
冒出了更多新芽 BDD
、End to end Test
、Component Test
、Integration Test
、Unit Test